
Členský príspevok do SSBMB

Vážení členovia  SSBMB,

Dovoľujeme si Vás upozorniť a požiadať Vás,  aby ste  po  Vašom  zaregistrovaní/resp. preregistrovaní sa za člena Slovenskej spoločnosti pre biochémiu a molekulárnu biológiu SSBMB uhradili členský príspevok v sume 15.00  Eur za rok 2023 na  účet spoločnosti SSBMB.

Názov účtu: Slovenská spoločnosť pre biochémiu a molekulárnu biológiu

IČO: 00178845

Banka: Slovenská sporiteľňa

Číslo účtu: IBAN: SK92 0900 0000 0000 1146 9664


Správa pre prijímateľa: Meno člena SSBMB





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Compatible with the best plugins

We made Phlox compatible with the most popular plugins to make sure your siteworks the best with plugins you may need. Below is a list of compatible plugins which are increasing constantly.

We included all the best plugins for you. So Phlox is all you need to create an amazing website that you have always wanted.

Master Slider (exclusive slider)

Phlox theme is made by averta, the team behind the famous Master Slider project, the most advanced touch slider plugin on the Market. The good news is that you can enjoy using the power of Master Slider with Phlox and have benefits of some special features only available on Phlox.

Beautiful online store

Use the power of most popular online shopping platform, WooCommerce in Phlox to sell anything. Sell more, and let your customers enjoy shopping online.

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Compatible with the best plugins

We made Phlox compatible with the most popular plugins to make sure your siteworks the best with plugins you may need. Below is a list of compatible plugins which are increasing constantly.

We included all the best plugins for you. So Phlox is all you need to create an amazing website that you have always wanted.

Master Slider (exclusive slider)

Phlox theme is made by averta, the team behind the famous Master Slider project, the most advanced touch slider plugin on the Market. The good news is that you can enjoy using the power of Master Slider with Phlox and have benefits of some special features only available on Phlox.

Beautiful online store

Use the power of most popular online shopping platform, WooCommerce in Phlox to sell anything. Sell more, and let your customers enjoy shopping online.


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Dne 16. června 2017 na ustavující schůzi začal pracovat nový výbor ČSBMB pro volební období 2017 – 2021.


Vítězi ceny J. V. Koštíře se stali Stanislav Kmoch a Marek Mráz.
Foto a video galerie ↗


Byl spuštěn nový systém registrace a evidence do ČSBMB. Pro registraci klikněte na registrace ↗

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